Well-Being ... Body & Soul
Heal your body and soul. Make no effort to control your breath, breathe naturally, focus your attention on each inhalation and exhalation, discover how our thoughts may influence our true serenity. While speed sets the pace in our urban cities, some of us seek for serenity as the path to a better quality of life. Choose your alternative path; active or passive meditation, yoga, massage ... to achieve balance between your body and soul. Tranquilo ! Aqui Solo Corre el Viento ...

Heal your Soul ... Move your Body
The Shack Yoga & Wellness Center. A new space where to explore your inner world and awaken all your senses through yoga practice, meditation, massage therapy ... The Yoga & Wellness Center at Vik Retreats "José Ignacio" is just a stone's throw from the beach. Our new home will allow us to fully manifest the magic of The Shack in all its glory. At The Shack we operate with the understanding that the human body is at all times in need of either Activation, Purification or Rest. In order to maintain balance we must cultivate these three energies within us constantly. We believe that every human being has the intrinsic capacity to self-heal and discover structural, emotional and mental wholeness.
Instructors : The Shack Yoga Team
The Shack Yoga & Wellness Center at Vik. Ruta 10. Km 182,5 - 20402 José Ignacio - Maldonado - Uruguay
Contact : +598 9449 4555 - info@theshackyoga.com - www.theshackyoga.com - www.vikretreats.com
Las Musas Yoga Studio. While speed sets the pace in our daily lives. Indulge yourself to explore your inner world. Come to heal your body and soul. Las Musas Yoga Studio is a space where to awaken your senses through yoga practice and meditation. Located in a calm and exclusive natural environment, Las Musas Yoga Studio specializes in Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Kurunta yoga. The practice is all about the details of your breath control « pranayama » and posture « asana ». While Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga involve lots of powerful flow and faster movement from one asana to the other, Iyengar yoga is a meticulous style of yoga; placing the emphasis on precision and alignment.
Instructors : @Fernanda Mirales "Vinyasa" - @Flor Gama "Iyanga" - @Natalia Pulgar "Kurunta".
Las Musas Yoga Studio. Camino Sainz Martínez - 20402 José Ignacio - Maldonado - Uruguay
Contact : +598 9200 7374 - info@lasmusas.com.uy - www.lasmusas.com.uy
5Rhythms® Uruguay. Maria Margarita Peñaloza is a 5Rhythms Certified & Accredited Teacher. 5Rhythms is a practice, a dynamic way to both workout and to meditate in the same breath. They teach us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed notions about people, places, objects or ideas. They say that a picture tells a thousand words. One deep dance tells millions. In dancing 5Rhythms you can track perceptions and memories; seek out gestures and shapes; tune into instincts and intuitions. They reveal ways to creatively express aggressiveness and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, edges and ecstasies.
Maria Margarita Peñaloza "5Rhythms® Uruguay". Las Golondrinas - 20402 José Ignacio - Maldonado - Uruguay
Workshops and Retreats : @Maria Margarita Peñaloza - www.5ritmos-raices.com